Email Signature

The following guidelines for email signatures are recommended for all University email accounts and are consistent with wider branding efforts.

To edit or update your Gmail signature:

Email signature design

Individual’s Name
Individual’s Title
College, School, Institute, Center, or Office
University of Notre Dame
URL for College, School, Institute, Center, or Office

P: 574-631-5555
F: 574-631-5555

(add phone numbers as needed)

Blog URL
Follow on

Socialsig Onmessage

(add social media links as needed)

123 Campus Building
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5555

University of Notre Dame seal

Email signature builder

Use the tool below to create your personalized email signature. This tool is intended as a starting point and will not cover all use-cases. You can modify the results after pasting into the Gmail signature settings field.

Signature Builder Form

Include the full URL: “”
Contact Information
Format: 574-631-5555
Format: 574-631-5555
Format: 574-631-5555
Include the full URL: “”
Include the full URL: “”
Include the full URL: “”
Include the full URL: “”
Include the full URL: “”
Name Coach
Icon and text: Placed at the end of the signature.
Icon: Placed next to Name


Complete the required fields to preview.